IESF FRANCE                          Website Link

Engineers and Scientists of France (IESF) represents engineers and scientists in France. It is an independent and apolitical federation representing in France:

     More than 1 million Engineers or 4% of the active population.

     More than 200,000 researchers.

     The 150 largest Alumni Associations of Engineers and Scientists.

The Society is also:

     A body recognized as being a public utility since 1860 and officially registered with the Ministry of the Interior.

     A network of 1,500 active volunteers and 20 Regional IESFs spread across France.

     Member of European and international federations and associations.

     A major player in scientific, technological and economic debates.

Our members:

     Regional IESF associations bringing together engineers and scientists formed into associations in French regions

     or in international sections.

     Alumni associations.

     Technical and professional associations.

     Research-oriented organizations.

     Several other associated organizations whose objectives converge with those of IESF.

Our Mission:

BRINGING TOGETHER engineers and scientists from France and their associations.

SUPPORTING member associations in the development of products and services for their members.

VALORIZE and structure the engineering and scientific profession by ensuring its promotion.

REPRESENT the profession to public authorities, businesses and the general public.

PROMOTE in France and abroad the French training sector for scientific studies, in particular that of engineers.

SPEAK for engineers and scientists.